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All CollectionsHealth Insurance & ERCNotice 2021-31
Extensions Under the Emergency Relief Notices - Q&A 56-59
Extensions Under the Emergency Relief Notices - Q&A 56-59

Questions & answers for #56-59

Updated over a week ago

Q-56. What is the election period for a potential Assistance Eligible Individual to make the election for COBRA premium assistance if the individual is also eligible to elect COBRA continuation coverage under the Emergency Relief Notices?

A-56. If a qualified beneficiary received a COBRA notice under § 4980B before April 1, 2021, and also receives the notice of the ARP extended election period, then, within 60 days of receiving the notice of the ARP extended election period, the qualified beneficiary may elect COBRA continuation coverage with COBRA premium assistance for periods of coverage beginning on or after April 1, 2021. If a qualified beneficiary elects COBRA continuation coverage with COBRA premium assistance, the individual must also elect or decline COBRA continuation coverage retroactive to the loss of coverage, if eligible, within 60 days of receiving the notice of the ARP extended election period. If the qualified beneficiary elects retroactive COBRA continuation coverage, the qualified beneficiary may be required to pay COBRA premiums for periods of coverage beginning before April 1, 2021.

Q-57. Do the extensions of timeframes available under the Emergency Relief Notices apply to the required furnishing of the notice of an ARP extended election period under § 9501(a)(5)(C), or to the ARP extended election period to elect COBRA continuation coverage with COBRA premium assistance beginning on or after April 1, 2021, under § 9501(a)(4)?

A-57. No. The extensions of timeframes available under the Emergency Relief Notices do not apply to either the required furnishing of a notice of an ARP extended election period under § 9501(a)(5)(C) or to the ARP extended election period. The notice of the ARP extended election period under § 9501(a)(5)(C) must be furnished by May 31, 2021 (60 days after April 1, 2021). An individual receiving the notice must elect COBRA continuation coverage no later than 60 days after the notice is provided in order to receive COBRA premium assistance.

Q-58. If a potential Assistance Eligible Individual elects retroactive COBRA continuation coverage, how do the Emergency Relief Notices apply to payment of the premiums for the retroactive coverage and what are the consequences if the premiums are not timely paid?

A-58. The extensions of timeframes under the Emergency Relief Notices remain available for premium payments for the retroactive periods of coverage for potential Assistance Eligible Individuals and those who have enrolled in COBRA continuation coverage with COBRA premium assistance. If an Assistance Eligible Individual also elects retroactive coverage for a period beginning before April 1, 2021, the employer may require the individual to pay the premiums for that period of COBRA continuation coverage consistent with the timeframes as extended under the Emergency Relief Notices. If, by an applicable deadline, the individual fails to pay any amount towards the total premiums due for periods of retroactive COBRA continuation coverage, the employer may treat the individual as having not elected COBRA coverage until the first period of coverage beginning on or after April 1, 2021. If, by the applicable deadline, the individual pays only a portion of the total premiums due for retroactive coverage, the plan may credit those premiums to the earliest months of the retroactive COBRA continuation coverage and resume providing COBRA continuation coverage as of the first period of coverage beginning on or after April 1, 2021.

Example: On November 1, 2020, an individual becomes a qualified beneficiary as the result of an involuntary termination of employment and receives the COBRA election notice under § 4980B(f)(6)(D). On April 30, 2021, the individual receives the notice of the ARP extended election period. On May 31, 2021, the individual elects both retroactive COBRA continuation coverage beginning on November 1, 2020, and COBRA continuation coverage with premium assistance for the first period of coverage beginning on or after April 1, 2021. The individual pays premiums for only three months of retroactive COBRA within the applicable payment deadlines. The individual makes no other premium payments before the applicable deadlines. The plan may treat the individual as having retroactive COBRA continuation coverage only for November 2020, December 2020, and January 2021, and as having no retroactive COBRA coverage for February 2021 and March 2021 (because only three months of premiums were paid). Because the individual also elected COBRA continuation coverage with premium assistance for the first period of coverage beginning on or after April 1, 2021, the individual has COBRA continuation coverage with premium assistance for the first period of coverage beginning on or after April 1, 2021 through the end of the period of coverage that includes September 30, 2021, assuming the individual remains eligible for premium assistance throughout that period.

Q-59. May a potential Assistance Eligible Individual who elects COBRA continuation coverage with COBRA premium assistance and who declines to elect retroactive COBRA continuation coverage at that time later elect retroactive COBRA continuation coverage?

A-59. No. If a potential Assistance Eligible Individual elects COBRA continuation coverage with COBRA premium assistance but declines to elect COBRA continuation coverage that would begin at the time of a qualifying event that occurred before April 1, 2021, that individual may not, after the 60-day extended election period for electing COBRA continuation coverage under the ARP has ended, later elect COBRA continuation coverage that begins at the time of the qualifying event.

Example: An individual has a qualifying event that is an involuntary termination of employment on March 1, 2021, and receives the COBRA election notice the same day. The individual receives the notice of the ARP extended election period on May 31, 2021, and elects COBRA continuation coverage with COBRA premium assistance starting April 1, 2021. Assuming the Outbreak Period has not ended, the individual does not remain eligible after July 30, 2021 (60 days from the receipt of the individual’s notice of the ARP extended election period), to elect COBRA continuation coverage starting March 1, 2021, despite the extensions available under the Emergency Relief Notices.


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