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All CollectionsHealth Insurance & ERCNotice 2021-31
Extended Election Period - Q&A 51-55
Extended Election Period - Q&A 51-55

Questions & Answers for #51-55

Updated over a week ago

Extended Election Period

Q&A-51 through Q&A-55 apply only for purposes of Federal COBRA, unless the Q&A indicates otherwise.

Q-51. If an employee had a reduction in hours or an involuntary termination of employment before April 1, 2021 and elected self-only COBRA continuation coverage, may a spouse or a dependent child who is a qualified beneficiary in connection with the reduction in hours or involuntary termination of employment elect COBRA continuation coverage and receive COBRA premium assistance under the ARP extended election period?

A-51. Yes. A qualified beneficiary who does not have an election of COBRA continuation coverage in effect on April 1, 2021, but who would have been an Assistance Eligible Individual if the election were in effect, may elect COBRA continuation coverage under the ARP extended election period. A spouse or dependent child who is a beneficiary under a group health plan that covers an employee on the day before the reduction in hours or involuntary termination of employment of the employee also would have been an Assistance Eligible Individual if the spouse or dependent child had elected COBRA continuation coverage. Thus, a spouse or dependent child in this situation has a second election opportunity, notwithstanding the prior election of selfonly COBRA continuation coverage by the employee.

Q-52. Is the ARP extended election period available to an individual if the continuation coverage is provided only under State law (and not Federal COBRA)?

A-52. No. The ARP extended election period under § 9501(a)(4)(A) applies only to a group health plan that is subject to Federal COBRA. It does not apply to plans subject to continuation coverage requirements under a State program that provides comparable continuation coverage. However, if a State law or program provides for a similar extended election right and an individual otherwise satisfies the requirements to be an Assistance Eligible Individual, COBRA premium assistance is available for any resulting period of COBRA continuation coverage for periods of coverage from April 1, 2021, through September 30, 2021.

Q-53. May a potential Assistance Eligible Individual whose qualifying event occurred before April 1, 2021, who still has an open COBRA continuation coverage election period independent of the ARP (including an extended period for electing coverage under the Emergency Relief Notices), elect COBRA continuation coverage under the ARP extended election period and receive COBRA continuation coverage with COBRA premium assistance that starts with a period of coverage beginning only on or after April 1, 2021?

A-53. Yes. The extended election period for electing COBRA continuation coverage is available for a potential Assistance Eligible Individual if the qualifying event occurred before April 1, 2021, and if the individual has not yet elected COBRA continuation coverage, including for an individual who has an open COBRA election period as of April 1, 2021. If the individual elects retroactive COBRA continuation coverage under the original COBRA election period available prior to the ARP extended election period under Federal COBRA, COBRA continuation coverage is retroactive to that individual’s loss of coverage. COBRA premium assistance, however, does not apply to periods of coverage prior to the first period of coverage beginning on or after April 1, 2021.

Example: An individual is involuntarily terminated from employment on December 15, 2020 and receives the COBRA election notice on January 4, 2021. As of April 1, 2021, the individual has not elected COBRA continuation coverage. The individual must receive a notice of the ARP extended election period for COBRA continuation coverage. The individual may elect COBRA continuation coverage under the original COBRA election period (as extended by the Emergency Relief Notices) but will be eligible for COBRA premium assistance only for periods of coverage beginning on or after April 1, 2021. Alternatively, the individual may decline to elect COBRA continuation coverage under the original COBRA election period (as extended by the Emergency Relief Notices) and instead elect COBRA continuation coverage under the ARP extended election period only for periods of coverage beginning on or after April 1, 2021.

Q-54. How does an election of COBRA continuation coverage under the ARP extended election period apply in the case of an HRA if the Assistance Eligible Individual elects COBRA continuation coverage solely under the ARP extended election period, and declines to elect coverage that is retroactive to the qualifying event?

A-54. With respect to an election of COBRA continuation coverage for an HRA solely under the ARP extended election period, the HRA may no longer reimburse expenses incurred after the qualifying event that led to the loss of coverage and before the first day of the first period of coverage beginning on or after April 1, 2021. Generally, qualified beneficiaries electing COBRA continuation coverage with respect to HRA coverage have access to the same level of reimbursements during COBRA continuation coverage as was available immediately before the qualifying event. Thus, a qualified beneficiary electing COBRA continuation coverage with respect to an HRA under the ARP extended election period will have access to the same level of reimbursements as the qualified beneficiary had immediately before the qualifying event based on the amount originally available for the HRA plan year and reimbursements for expenses incurred before the qualifying event, reduced by the amount of any reimbursements made after the qualifying event; for example, reimbursements for expenses incurred before the qualifying event that were submitted and reimbursed after the qualifying event.

Q-55. If a qualified beneficiary due to a reduction of hours or an involuntary termination of employment was previously offered COBRA continuation coverage with respect to both comprehensive health coverage and dental-only or vision-only coverage and the qualified beneficiary elected COBRA continuation coverage only with respect to the dental-only or vision-only coverage, is the qualified beneficiary still a potential Assistance Eligible Individual who must be offered the ARP extended election with respect to the comprehensive health coverage?

A-55. Yes. A qualified beneficiary whose qualifying event was a reduction in hours or an involuntary termination of employment is a potential Assistance Eligible Individual and must be offered the ARP extended election period with respect to any health coverage the qualified beneficiary was enrolled in prior to the qualifying event and for which the individual does not have a COBRA election in effect on April 1, 2021, even if the qualified beneficiary previously elected COBRA continuation coverage with respect to other coverage in which the qualified beneficiary was previously enrolled. If the qualified beneficiary elects additional COBRA continuation coverage pursuant to the ARP extended election period, the qualified beneficiary is an Assistance Eligible Individual with respect to all elected COBRA continuation coverage.


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