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COBRA: Involuntary Termination of Employment - Q&A 24-34
COBRA: Involuntary Termination of Employment - Q&A 24-34

Questions & Answer for #23-34

Updated over a week ago

Involuntary Termination of Employment

Q&A-24 through Q&A-34 apply solely for purposes of determining whether there is an involuntary termination of employment under § 9501 of the ARP and § 6432 of the Code, and other provisions of the Code added or amended by § 9501 of the ARP, but not for any other purposes under the Code or any other law.

Q-24. What circumstances constitute an involuntary termination of employment for purposes of the definition of an Assistance Eligible Individual?

A-24. An involuntary termination of employment means a severance from employment due to the independent exercise of the unilateral authority of the employer to terminate the employment, other than due to the employee’s implicit or explicit request, where the employee was willing and able to continue performing services. For application of the involuntary termination of employment standard with respect to the failure to renew an employment agreement or similar contract, see Q&A-34. In addition, an employee-initiated termination of employment constitutes an involuntary termination of employment for purposes of COBRA premium assistance if the termination of employment constitutes a termination for good reason due to employer action that results in a material negative change in the employment relationship for the employee analogous to a constructive discharge. The determination of whether a termination is involuntary is based on the facts and circumstances. For example, if a termination is designated as voluntary or as a resignation, but the facts and circumstances indicate that the employee was willing and able to continue performing services, so that, absent the voluntary termination, the employer would have terminated the employee’s services, and that the employee had knowledge that the employee would be terminated, the termination is involuntary.

Q-25. Does involuntary termination of employment include an employer’s action to end an individual’s employment while the individual is absent from work due to illness or disability, if that action would otherwise constitute an involuntary termination of employment?

A-25. Yes. Involuntary termination of employment occurs when the employer takes action to terminate the individual’s employment, if before the action there is a reasonable expectation that the employee will return to work after the illness or disability has subsided. However, mere absence from work due to illness or disability before the employer has taken action to end the individual’s employment is not an involuntary termination of employment (see Q&A-32). Whether the absence from work is a reduction in hours potentially resulting in COBRA continuation coverage depends on whether the absence from work results in a loss of coverage.

Q-26. Does an involuntary termination of employment include retirement?

A-26. Generally, no. In general, a retirement is a voluntary termination of employment. However, if the facts and circumstances indicate that, absent retirement, the employer would have terminated the employee’s employment, that the employee was willing and able to continue employment, and that the employee had knowledge that the employee would be terminated absent the retirement, the retirement is an involuntary termination of employment.

Q-27. Does involuntary termination of employment include involuntary termination of employment for cause?

A-27. Yes. However, if the termination of employment is due to gross misconduct of the employee, the termination is not a qualifying event and the loss of the health coverage of the employee and other family members by reason of the employee’s termination of employment does not lead to eligibility for COBRA continuation coverage. Therefore, the loss of coverage due to a termination of employment for gross misconduct will not result in an individual becoming a potential Assistance Eligible Individual.

Q-28. Does an involuntary termination of employment include a resignation as the result of a material change in the geographic location of employment for the employee?

A-28. Yes.

Q-29. Does an involuntary termination of employment include participation by an employee in a window program under which employees with impending terminations of employment are offered a severance arrangement to terminate employment within a specified period of time (the “window”)?

A-29. Yes. An involuntary termination of employment includes participation in a window program that meets the requirements of Treas. Reg. § 31.3121(v)(2)-1(b)(4)(v). See those regulations for further information including certain time limits applicable to the window and limits on the ability to have successive windows.

Q-30. Does an involuntary termination of employment occur because the termination of employment is for “good reason” if an employee terminates employment because of concerns about workplace safety due to a health condition of the employee or a family member of the employee?

A-30. In general, an employee’s termination of employment due to general concerns about workplace safety is not treated as an involuntary termination of employment. However, a termination of employment would be involuntary if the employee can demonstrate that the employer’s actions (or inactions) resulted in a material negative change in the employment relationship analogous to a constructive discharge. A departure due to the personal circumstances of the employee unrelated to an action or inaction of the employer, such as a health condition of the employee or a family member, inability to locate daycare, or other similar issues, generally will not rise to the level of being analogous to a constructive discharge absent the employer’s failure to either take a required action or provide a reasonable accommodation.

Q-31. Is an individual whose qualifying event is an employee-initiated termination of employment because a child is unable to attend school or because another childcare facility is closed due to the COVID-19 National Emergency a potential Assistance Eligible Individual?

A-31. No. However, if the individual maintains the ability to return to work, and the facts and circumstances indicate that the qualifying event is a temporary leave of absence such that the employer and employee intend to maintain the employment relationship, the qualifying event is a voluntary reduction in hours and the individual would be a potential Assistance Eligible Individual.

Q-32. Does an involuntary termination of employment include a termination of employment initiated by the employee in response to an involuntary material reduction in hours that did not result in a loss of coverage?

A-32. Yes. For purposes of COBRA premium assistance, an employee-initiated termination of employment in response to an involuntary material reduction in hours is treated as a termination for good reason. Thus, an employee-initiated termination of employment due to an involuntary material reduction in hours would be an involuntary termination of employment for purposes of COBRA premium assistance.

Q-33. Is the death of an employee an involuntary termination of employment that makes qualified beneficiaries such as the spouse and dependent children of the employee potential Assistance Eligible Individuals?

A-33. No. The death of an employee is not a reduction in hours or an involuntary termination of employment, so a loss of coverage due to the employee’s death would not result in the spouse and dependent children of the employee being potential Assistance Eligible Individuals.

Q-34. Does an involuntary termination of employment include an employer’s decision not to renew an employee’s contract, including for an employee whose employer is a staffing agency?

A-34. Generally, yes. An employer’s decision not to renew an employee’s contract will be considered an involuntary termination of employment if the employee was otherwise willing and able to continue the employment relationship and was willing either to execute a contract with terms similar to those of the expiring contract or to continue employment without a contract. However, if the parties understood at the time they entered into the expiring contract, and at all times when services were being performed, that the contract was for specified services over a set term and would not be renewed, the completion of the contract without it being renewed is not an involuntary termination of employment.


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