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All CollectionsHealth Insurance & ERCNotice 2021-31
Payments to Insurers Under Federal COBRA - Q&A 60
Payments to Insurers Under Federal COBRA - Q&A 60

Question & answer for #60

Updated over a week ago

Payments to Insurers Under Federal COBRA

Q-60. In the case of an insured plan subject to Federal COBRA that is not a multiemployer plan, if the insurer and the employer have agreed that the insurer will collect the COBRA premiums directly from the qualified beneficiaries, is the insurer required to treat an Assistance Eligible Individual as having paid the full premium?

A-60. Yes. If the insurer fails to treat the Assistance Eligible Individual as having made a payment of the full premium, the insurer may be liable for the excise tax under § 4980B(e)(1)(B), which applies to each person responsible (other than in a capacity as an employee) for administering or providing benefits under the plan and whose act or failure to act caused (in whole or in part) the failure, if the person assumed responsibility for the performance of the act to which the failure relates. Notwithstanding the agreement between the employer and the insurer, the employer is required to pay the premium to the insurer for the months of COBRA premium assistance with respect to the individual.


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